The musings, antics and general escapades of a royal pug and her minions.
Two humans, and two more pugs

our fabulous friends

Thursday, December 27, 2012

We had a lovely Christmas, and are looking forward to the New Year. We hope that all of our blogging buddies, are happy, healthy safe and loved. We really appreciate each and every one of you. Look for another post soon, but in the meantime, I will leave you with some of my favorite moments of the day.

Sluggo chilaxin' in his Santa hat

Brigitte tried it on too. Not a fan!

We had a white Christmas

She much preferred hanging out with Grampy in her Christmas dress.

While I am happiest at my Daddy's side.

Or sitting right on top of him, if necessary!

Brigitte was hoping to enjoy an after dinner cigar with uncle Bill, but second hand smoke is too dangerous.

She was just as happy to sit with Mom.

Location:Scenes of the Season

Saturday, December 15, 2012

An Unspeakable Tragedy

Our hearts are heavy with grief for the innocent lives lost in Sandy Hook CT. Please keep the community of Newtown Connecticut and the families and loved ones of those killed, close to your hearts as they move through this horrific event.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A list Blogger in da Hizouse!!!

Well, technically, she wasn't in my house, but she was in my car!!!
Yep, that is Ellie , Brutus and Angel Yoda's Mom, of The Pugs Strike Back fame.
She came to CT for some work thing, and my Mom got to spend the afternoon with her.
Guess where they went?!!!!!
Only my favorite restaurant in the universe!
The Corner Pug!

No, she didn't actually choke on lunch. This is a picture they sent to those Pug Slut friends. You know the ones. The real reason I don't get to blog as much anymore. But that is OK, cuz guess what?!
When Mom got home she had prezzies for us from Brutus and Ellie!
They sure smelled good. We recognised the smells right away from when we got to meet Brutus and Ellie in the fur.

Not just any sock monkey, a holiday sock monkey

Here is a picture of Sluggo hoarding all three lammies
He is so greedy.

But there was one thing he definitely knew was his!
 A brand new awesome rope toy specially from Ellie!

Sluggo and Ellie love them some rope toys. One of the many things they have in common.

Thanks you guys for the killer toys. Hope you have a great holiday. Next time your humans come to the 203's, you need to come too!

Monday, December 3, 2012

I am Home * a guest post from frankie*

Ahem, um, hi everyone! I'm Frankie, and Wilma has allowed me to guest post here on her blog.
So, most of you will recognise me from Wilma's previous post about Franksgiving weekend. Well I have been stayin' here over the past couple of weeks, and at first I thought I was gonna be stayin' for good.
I mean, it seemed like it, considering how much everyone loved up on me when I got here. Well, maybe not everyone.
I came up against a little resistance from this guy at first. They call him Sluggo. It seems he and I had a fondness for the same thing. The lady in the houses lap. Yep, it is warm, and ample, and when you sit there you are sure to get many pets.
Well, I guess Sluggo considers this his most valued resource, and he liked to guard it with a vengeance at first. But just as we were all learning to share. That's right, there is room enough for all of us...
Some new people came to the house to meet me.
They were very nice, and they seemed to really like me. Next thing I know, we were going for a walk. I thought, wow! these guys are great. They must know how much I love walkies. I even pooped for them.
So then the lady with the nice lap took some pictures of me with these new people, and I noticed that my crate was getting taken out of the house again.  
I started to get a little confused. I mean, what'd I do?
I mean, I kinda understood why I had to leave my last home. I was peein' and stuff, and their resident pug was kinda nervous around me. But I had been on my best behavior here. Wilma really liked me.

Brigitte was cool with me...
Heck, even Sluggo was coming around...
And I knew the humans loved me. They told me all the time. They gave me a nice bath, and were feeding me very tasty food. In fact, just the night before, they let me sleep in the big bed!!!
It didn't make sense, but then as she was saying goodbye, the lady with the lap told me something that one of her friends told her when she was feeling sad about letting me go.
She told me that her and the other man human were just holding onto me long enough to get my heart ready to be loved.
And last night, as I was sitting with my new Dad watching football, I felt it. That kind of love other dogs have told me about.
Forever love.


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