So, I had a request from my Dad to lighten up on the blog content. He said he was thinking about not reading anymore.
I definitely agreed that we all could use a good laugh, however my current subject matter is kinda serious. Somehow, I think he'll enjoy it just the same.
Many of you are aware of Brigitte's, eh hem, problem. If not, well, here's the deal...... She eats poop. Not any poop, just her own, but, it's really gross. She's been coming up with all kinds of sneaky ways to snag it up too. As gross as it is, I won't say that I haven't enjoyed seeing mom and/or Dad running around the back yard in their pj's or even less, screaming "Brigitte!!!!!!!! Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!"
We have decided as a family, that it is time for an intervention. We have contacted Jeff Van Vonderen of the TV show Intervention and he has agreed to help.
Since Brigitte is so busy scheming how to eat poop, she won't be reading the blog. So if any of you would like to attend the intervention, please leave a testimonial depicting how Brigitte's poop eating has affected your life in a negative way in the comment section. Or you can discuss how Brigitte has changed since she has become addicted to poop. we will include you in the intervention which will be held in some random hotel, sometime within the next week or so. Please don't tell her of our plan.
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