Hi friends! Today I am letting Mom fill in for me as I relax out back in the sunny sun. Way too nice to be indoors, but I certainly wouldn't want to pass up such a prestigious award nomination. Not to mention, it will probably endear me to the judges if I act humble and let Mom do the bragging for a change!

Hi everyone! We received word from the folks over at eCollegeFinder of Wilma the Pug being nominated to be listed among other pet blogs in their student resource section. Wilma is a big advocate of continuing education, and if her blog may be inspiring to other writers, she is all for it!
In the email, it was suggested that we could write a post geared towards the student population, answering a specific question. This is actually where I came in handy by sitting in for Wil today. The question was asking what I think is the greatest benefit to owning a pet. The hard part about this question, was that the response should be two to four sentences. As many of you may already know, I could go on for eons about how having Wilma, Brigitte and Sluggo has benefitted and enhanced our lives on so many levels. Alas, I will try and be brief.
If asked to apply one word to the experience of having these three creatures around, it would be joy. They have been such a source of levity, and love on a daily basis. Feelings we would never have experienced if not for them. Their quirky ways, their unique personalities, allow us to share a deep connection like no other relationship in life. I won't be the first to say that having someone waiting for you at home who is uncontrollably excited and happy to see you every time you walk through door, irreplaceable!
Wish us luck!!!
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend. We'll be checking back in soon. Wilma wanted to let you know that plans are in the making for a Sunflower Club and Fire Hydrant Club mixer. This should be interesting!