It sure is cold out here in the valley. That's why Mom put our winter jackets on us yesterday before we went out galavanting. My social calander was pretty full, that's what happens when you have such a loyal following. We started out going to this party they throw for me every month or so. They call it a pug meetup, I call it Wilma holds court. Pretty much what happens is that pugs and their people from all over the land come together, to mix, mingle and gaze upon me. We had a group of about 40 pugs and their people. Sluggos foster mom Samantha organizes it for me. Her pug Murphy and I go way back. We met at a parade I marched in back in '03. I really appreciate all the effort Sam puts into getting my people together for me. The group collects monies and they are donated to Curly Tail Pug Rescue (thats where Sluggo came from). I feel good about that. Mom took some pictures at the meetup, but as you can imagine, it's pretty hard to capture a good shot of so many crazy furballs running around. So they are a little blurry.

There's Briggite taking cover under a chair. She gets overwhelmed at all the commotion sometimes. She prefers the people to their pugs and likes to go around to her favorite folks for a visit. One of her all time favorites was there yesterday and she gave her like a million kisses. Which really ticked off the Mom and Dad.Cuz if I hadn't mentioned, Brigitte is the stingiest when it comes to giving kisses. It's a whole big thing. When Mom or Dad try and get one she'll turn her head and issue the cheek, or give a fake air kiss. She gives more to Mom than Dad, but not like this, she was practically slobbering all over Emmet's Moms face.
Now there isn't any decent pictures of Sluggo at the meetup because he was to busy clinging to Mom the whole time.What can I say? Sluggo has issues. One of those is that he only likes to walk on particular surfaces. Cold shiny slippery cement is not one of them. He'll venture off for some mingling, but for very short stints. He's like Brigitte, he prefers a lap. So if he can manage to get a few feet away, he'll leap into another guests lap. People love him, he's very charming. I find it a little wimpy, that's why I only string him along without making a real commitment. I need a manly pug to help rule my kingdom.
Next, we went to Grammy and Grampys house. I always love going there, I get lots and lots of affection and they even have special beds for me there. Mom and Dad had lunch. All we got was some water. That kinda made me mad, but then Mom and Dad took Sluggo to visit his friend Oscar the silky terrier and his new baby bro Max the golden retriever. Brigitte and I stayed behind and chilled out with the Grandparents. We really appreciated that. From there we came home and relaxed for the evening. We needed to rest up for today, when we're going to my Great Grammys house. I can't wait, cuz Uncle Jimmy always gives us a whole plate of ham or turkey. I love Uncle Jimmy.
Wow, what a weekend! The only thing better than going to Grammy and Granpy's is a visit to Great Grammy and Uncle Jimmy! :) I'm sure your cousin Zelda would be pretty happy about Uncle J's turkey or ham if she ever got the chance to meet him ... but, ya know, cats don't travel well! LOL
ReplyDeleteAuntie, she would love it, I'm sure. But you're right, thats the real bummer about cats. I have a feeling, we would get along famously. I've been called catlike, as you know.
ReplyDeleteGramma was only thinking of your girlish figure, Wilma...and of course the New Year, New You philosophy. Besides, your parents have rigid rules re: feeding so it's all their fault.