So, Mom was telling me that things on the blog have been heavily slanted towards me lately, and she thought it might be nice to share some photos of some of the other important auxiliary cast members in the movie that is my life. I replied, " Mom, the blog is called Wilma the Pug after all, of course it should be all about me." Then she reminded me how important sharing is, and that without these folks, Wilmas' world would be quite lonely. So, I consented. Without further adieu, some of the members of my crew, that make me so awesome.
This is Dylan and I. Dylan is a Brug (part Brussels Griffon and part Pug). I am quite fond of him, and I like to flirt with him when he visits.

That's Sluggo's friend Oscar, he's a Silky Terrier. Him and Sluggo like to hang out. Brigitte's not a huge fan. She get's nervous when they start running around crazy. Here you can see she's shooting Oscar a glance letting him know that she's had enough.

Here we have our old neighbors Olivia and Marc. They have a younger brother Xavier too. He was just a baby when these pictures were taken so he wasn't playing. We miss these guys alot. We used to watch them out the window , and when we went out back, alot of the time they were playing, and we would get to visit.

The top picture is Murphy the Pug(of blogging fame) He and I go way back. We marched together in the Park Rd parade back when we were both "only pugs". Now he's got Duke (The Duke of Whirl) as a bro, and you know who I've got. Murphy's Mom Samantha was Sluggo's foster mom before he came to live with us. Mom and Dad have been known to say that Sluggo graduated from the Murphy the Pug school of being a dick. He may have picked up a few unsavory traits, like lifting his leg to pee. But they don't understand how difficult it is to give up the undivided attention of your parents.

Here we have Jayde. Her Dad Ed is the one who came up with Sluggos name. Him and Dad have been friends since the were little and Sluggo was one of Dad's nick names.

This is Cristina, another old friend. She used to run our pug meet up before Samantha took over. Brigitte had a special fondness for her as you can see.


Me and Sluggo

These last few shots are of my immediate pug family. I guess I really can't imagine my life without them, they are pretty awesome after all.
I hope you've enjoyed this gallery of friends, there will be more to follow in future posts, as my circle is very large.
Bon jour, Wilma