" 'Tis better to give than to receive"
Now, while I cannot share this wisdom as my own, I learned this week, with Mom's help, that this is some pretty powerful wisdom.
You see, I am a huge fan of receiving. Love it. Treats, belly rubs, love, toys. You name it, and I am pretty excited to take it from you.
This past week, Mom was really busy getting ready for some big event on Saturday. It was a party, and I wasn't invited, so I really didn't much care what it was all about. All I knew was food was being prepared and taken out of the house, not good.
Dad was practicing music on his guitar, and then left with it. Brigitte the rocker was none too happy about that.
And there was far less lap time going around. Sluggo was extremely upset about that.
Then they left us, for like a million hours, my dinner even came late that night.Unacceptable.
I was really ready to give Mom and Dad the business. Then I heard them talking about the whole day.
I found out that the party was a fun raiser for Mom's good friend from childhood who is sick. She is one of my favorite humans.We were in Mom and Dad's wedding together.
Now, I was like, fun raiser?! What raises more fun than a pug?!
Then when Mom was talking about all the people who came together to support this one person, and how together they were able to raise a whole lot of fun, she was kinda sad, water was coming out of her eyes.
I was officially confused.
Then she explained that it was happy water.
That when you are able to do something that helps another person to feel better and feel loved, that it can make you feel happy.
Then I kinda, sorta, started to understand...

See, last week, I got this award from
Thanks you Emerald and Tierra!
It made me real happy.
Then I read the rules of the award...
The rules that came with this award are as follows...
1. Please thank the dog who gave this to you, and link to them.
2. Name 10 (yes 10) things about yourself. Try to be as creative as possible.
3. Then, award 15 doggie bloggers. It doesn’t matter whether they are old or new. All furends deserve this.
4.Comment on the new receivers of this award’s blog to let them know of the love.
5. And the most important: HAVE FUN!!!
As I was following these rules, I began to understand what Mom was talking about.
I really liked rule number 2,cuz I got to talk about me, which I love. Then as I continued the task and started to give out the award, I realised that when my peeps heard of the props, they would feel happy and loved like I did.
Then everything made sense.
So here goes on the stuff about me...(and Britte and Sluggo)
1. My favorite show is The Bad Girls Club.
2. Sluggo waits until everyone is in bed before he will jump up.
3.Brigitte never takes the direct route into the house. She crosses the yard first, then proceeds inside.
4.I like to lick bellybuttons, I have been known to stare at a humans belly until they lift their shirt, then I attack!
5.Sluggo must go to Mom if she sings out..."Wheeeeeres my Sluggy Beeee?" He can't not. He will stop what he is doing and immediately run to her, top speed. Someday she will catch it on video.
6.Brigitte only eats poop in the cool weather;.
7.If I go too long without going out to poop, I will shoot out one tiny ball. I like to leave them in hiding spots so they are petrified when the humans find them. (serves them right!)
8.Brigitte says "chihuahua" (another thing we need to capture on video)
9. I say "no" (what else?)
10.Sluggo has unequal pupils. He sees OK and he doesn't have any neurological defect. They are just unequal.
OK, now for the presentation of awards...