Hi everybody, it's me Sluggo. A few weeks ago, Mom was contacted by a person from the
flexi company to see if she would like to review a leash from them. Now as you may recall, Mom has been trying to figure out what to do/use to keep me from being so chokey on walks. I am a big puller, and when I do, I practically choke myself to death. Very distressing. See, we three pugs are not trustworthy enough to roam around off leash on walks like some dogs are. Especially if there is only one parent. So Mom said sure, she'll check it out.

Here I am inspecting the leash when it came in the mail.

Brigitte wanted to know why she didn't get to review the new leash. I explained that it was because she mostly gets carried in the baby sling or pushed in the stroller. She said she didn't care. It wasn't her idea to be carried, she loves to walk. Then I reminded her how her bum foot bothers her when she overdoes it. She asked, "what about the queen? Isn't she gonna be ticked off that she isn't the tester?" sure I said, but before we were around, Mom and Dad spent a bunch of money on obedience lessons, and walking on the leash is one of the few things she will actually do well from those lessons. So I was the guinea pug.
We have been testing this thing out on walks, and we give it a B+. Because she is so used to using a 6 foot lead, adjusting to the retractable leash took Mom a little time. The best thing about it, is that I am totally less chokey. The leash let's me explore the area without such restrictive boundaries. Now, they tell you not to walk more than one dog at a time when using the the leash. But, unless Dad is with us, this is not an option. I would have to be left alone during Wilma and Brigitte's walk or we each would have to go separately. I don't do well with being alone. In fact, it's never happened. I am sure I would have to just freak out.
Anyway, like I said, I get to expend more energy running back and forth, while Wilma stays nice and leisurely. So that is a plus.

Or we could all stay together...

One thing we haven't checked is how it would be in a neighborhood with sidewalks. See our street is very quiet, and we just walk down the middle. When I get to close to someone's yard (I like to pee everywhere) Mom can just walk further out in the road. I don't think it would do well in crowds, but that isn't recommended. I'm sure many of you have been involved in one of those doggy maypoles when you are around bunch of other leashed dogs.
There are also some safety precautions, watch your fingers, the leash could also snap back if not properly used. But if you follow the guidelines and take care when using it, it's a pretty good leash. Mom said she will keep using it with me for walks around home and on hikes. Thanks flexi.

How about you guys, do you use a regular or retractable leash? Or are you one of those good dogs who gets to walk unencumbered by such restrictive restraints