I should start by telling you that Mom and Dad were convinced that a gigantic bull frog was living in the neighbors pool. You see, for the past few weeks, there have been some seriously loud croaking sounds coming from the other side of the fence.
So yesterday afternoon, the guy next door says he's going in after the guy. Operation relocation, so we can all return to enjoying a good nights sleep. Personally, it wasn't bothering me one bit. I lull myself to sleep each night to sound of my own snoring.
On the way down to the river, Monsieur LeFrog took a pitstop in our back yard. Unfortunately, we pugs did not get to meet mug to mug. Something about scaring the little guy, and him being potentially poisonous, or some nonsense like that. Because we all know, that giant humans wielding cameras with booming voices and huge fingers pointing at them is not at all frightening to a mere 6 inch long frog. That's right. The guy with the huge pipes was only a wee thing.

This is him in the skimmer, before he was placed in an IKEA bag for the entertainment and amusement of adults and children alike.

Check out those suction cup fingers with opposable thumbs. What I couldn't do with a pair of those. He is pretty cute though, dontcha think?

Here he is getting ready to fly the coop.*

*No frogs were actually harmed in the making of this blog post.
That was only the beginning of our wild animal adventures this weekend.
Cue breakfast this morning. I am banished to the front porch to scoff down my kibble while Brigitte languishes over hers, in the comfort of the kitchen. Delicately removing her pills and placing them on the floor, next to her bowl, to eat last (Wierdo). So Dad sees her gobble up her pill and lets me in. I, of course, have to inspect the bowls of Sluggo and Brigitte for any microscopic crumb that may have been left behind. Well, what Dad didn't realize, was that Brigitte had an entire kibble on the floor behind her dish. I went for it, she went for me! Bit me on the cheek she did. Took a nice chunk for herself. Not only that, but then she tweeted about it. The nerve! Tweeting like a Tweety Bird.
Being a forgiving dog, living for the next big thing and all, I was excited to find out we were going on a car ride. After cleaning up my wound and saddling us up, off we went with the parents to Kettletown State Park. Well, no sooner do our paws hit the trail, and we run into this guy...

A real snake in the grass. No, really he was a snake, and he was in the grass. Kinda big, I thought. About 18 inches long

He slithered away, and off we went, first down to the beach area.

There, we saw a duck couple, floating along.

Then we hit the trails, it was National Trails Day yesterday. We were a day late, but not a dollar short, as there was no parking fee for parking this weekend. Good, money for whippy!
Here's Dad strolling us down the plank trail. Nice smooth ride.

Mom and I at the lookout.

Resting before we head back.

Brigitte an Dad chill in' on the bench.

On our way back, things started getting crazy. People were talking about going in the stream and stuff!
Me, I chose to stay on dry ground, thank you very much.

Not Britte, she went right in, happily, with Mom.

Then, Sluggy Bee
needed his Mommy...

"Now, what do I do?"

Brigitte thought I was going to sell her down the river due to the morning nip...

I thought about it... but I would miss her too much.

Overall, it was a pretty good weekend. Topped off with triple whippy!

Hope you all had a great one!