The musings, antics and general escapades of a royal pug and her minions.
Two humans, and two more pugs

our fabulous friends

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Belated Sunflower Birthday and Our Aquatic Dopplegangers

I can't believe Mom missed one of our Sunflower Sister's birthdays. For shame.

Allow me to sincerely apologize to our girl Kitty, who celebrated her 5th birthday last week. Happy Birthday Sista! I know you had a great day, and I hope you continue to get lots of surprises.

In other news, Mom was looking through pictures from a trip she and Dad made a few years back to Cally. That was the trip where we didn't get to go, and I woke up in the morning to find them gone. Grammy let me out to do business and I defiantly returned inside, stared her in the eye, and pooped on the floor. I was mad! But, I digress.

While there, they met up with some sea lions in Monterey. They took a bunch of pictures, and even chose two that reminded them of me and Britte. Sluggo was not on the scene yet, but oddly enough, she's got a doppleganger for him too. Well, she decided to put the photos up for you all to compare. Of course, I am way more beautiful than any sea lion, and don't you forget it. But I will allow the pictures to be posted for your entertainment and enjoyment!

This is a move Mom and Dad like to call the teacup. They say they could set a teacup on my mug and it would balance there. Yeah, try it! Mom also said that if I wasn't wearing the sweater that pushes my fur into a meat helmut, the likeness is even better. Humph!

Doing what she does best,Britte with her funky apple shaped head.

Lastly, we have Sluggo, his neck as long as a giraffe's. Who ever heard of a pug with a neck anyway?

I hope you enjoyed meeting our aquatic counterparts. Maybe someday WE could go to California and meet them for ourselves!


  1. Happy Birthday, Kitty!!! Funny pictures!!!BUWAHHAAHAA!


  2. OMG i looooove the doppelganger pics! so funny because it's true hehe <3

  3. Way COOL! I must look for my aquatic doppelganger! That looks like fun! Wilma I think you are far prettier than some silly sea lion.
    BTW if you come out to California look me up! I live about 50 miles south of Puglet and his "city by the Bay . . . I left my heart . . . "
    Love Noodles

  4. A doppleganger, BOL. Mom better shape up before you fire her
    Benny & Lily

  5. I think Noodles is on to something...ROAD TRIP!! We should all head out to CA and visit our bloggie friends on the west coast and search for our aquatic look-alikes.

  6. We do that you are waaaay more beautiful than that seal but you it is kinda your water-twin! Don't worry, it could be worse-my brother Hannibal looks like a moose and sounds like a whale

    Sugar the Who

  7. I think you should definitely head to Cali to visit the sea lions. And take me with you because I need to see them to. Maybe we can visit Puglet, Dutch, Bellatrix, Spencer, and all the Smushies. Can you say road trip?


  8. Oh my Pug or should we way Oh my Seals! Very cute.

  9. I wish a happy birthday to Kitty!!!!
    I was comparing all the photos, and looks to me like exact matches!
    If you go to Caly..don't forget Oregon!

  10. Hi!

    Make sure to check our blog today!

    Pug love from,
    Pearl & Daisy



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