Hi everyone,
It's my birthday. I turn 9 years old today. I thought I wanted to come on and talk about how great it is to be me (cuz it is). But I'm feeling a little sentimental.
You won't get this often folks,so enjoy. I would like to take a minute to reflect on some of the things and people that make my life so wonderful. Mostly I'll look back upon this past year. A lot has happened in my 8th year and for the most part, it's all been good. Mom wishes she had some older pictures of me on this computer to share with you, but she promised to work on that. In the mean time I will share some of my finer work from this year.
I got a new house this year, which was a pretty big deal, cuz I only ever lived in my last house. It's a little smaller than my old house, but I really like it alot. It's much more peaceful here and Mom and Dad love it, so that makes everyone happy.
I went to alot of meetups where I hung out with other likeminded pugs and their people.Those are always a blast. I've been going for years.

Unfortunately, there was no park road parade to march in this year. Weather prohibited it. It's in October, right after Halloween so we pugs all dress up. Here's a shot from 2008 .We were the 3 little pigs.
Hopefully we can do it again this year. As long as Mom doesn't dress us in pink. Sluggo was not down with that. You may be able to tell by the picture.
I survived a tornado that came tearing through my back yard.That was pretty scary. Oddly enough, I was the only one that was doing what your supposed to do during a tornado. I hid under a chair. Everyone else was all confused and panicky.
( used to be a fence there)
I got to start this blog this year, and I must say, it's really been a highlight. I've already met a whole bunch of really cool pugs and people. I've come to care quite a bit for all of them and it's been a lot of fun!
Most importantly though, I really do have the best family. I don't tell them often, but Brigitte and Sluggo are the best brother and sister anyone could hope for. They are so special and unique. I think we compliment one another quite well.
Of course there's Mom and Dad, Grammy and Grampy, Auntie and Uncle, Nana plus way more than I could mention. This blog entry is becoming longer than an Oscar acceptance speech. I love them all and hope to share huge amounts of fun times in my next fabulous year. I heard there might be cake this weekend. I'll keep you posted!