Earth Day evolved into earth week around here pretty quick. Mainly due to the fact that Mom and Dad spent the entire week working outside in the yard or at Grammy and Grampys in the garden. What does that mean to me besides being a migrant farm worker? Bathtime! We pugs got quite dirty out in the yard. Myself supervising, Brigitte and Sluggo working. I've always loved a bath. It means being pampered, all attention on me, I smell good, I get a nice blow dry. Brigitte and Sluggo, not so much. They like to climb up Mom, shake all around, get all freaked out. For what? I couldn't tell ya.
One thing we all agree on is how great our soap is.
Rubby dub dub tee hee
ReplyDeleteI like your song, and I love to see my friends pampered. I never heard of woodie poo shampoo/
But I can just imagine how sweet you all must smell.
And it keeps the fleas and bed bugs away? Well how cool is that.
I just had a bath on Friday and mom used some shampoo from the vets office and also some lavender.
I am alergic to fleass- so we have to use that stuff that is squeezed on my neck
I am happy your all sparkling clean now
Hey guys!!! We have missed our peeps! You guys look so cutes in your tub!!! Sluggo, you looks like you have a bow tie on the way you fur is going. I don't know...maybe it's just because I have been forced to look at my bro's bow tie all weeks. Mommy is going to look more into that soap. She doesn't like the flea dips either. Daddy says we need baths too. I just think Izzy smells. (hee hee hee).
ReplyDeletexoxoxo JOSIE JOSIE JOSIE hey.....
Josie is acting like a diva for some reason - Izzy and Anakin too!
I love bath time! When mom or dad tries to take a shower, I totally try to jump in there with them. Mom uses some dog shampoo that makes me soft (everyone compliments me). My best friend Spencer, his mom gives him Paul Mitchell dog shampoo and he's sooooo soft! I've never seen 3 pugs in a tub, but you guys pull it off with style. Lookin' good.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of a bath, but once I get in there, I just want to get out. When Woman tells me it's bath time, I get all excited and do the happy dance, but then when I'm in the bath, I remember that I don't like being squirted with that squirty thing.
ReplyDeleteSequoia here! I am just like you Wilma.I climb in the tub all the time thinking its bath time. Really its not usually. I am crazy about baths only because I get treats when I get bathed! Yep I eat in the tub BOL! Its the only way Mom can keep me in it. Tuni on the other paw just flops down and sits there in her own dirty waters....eeeww.
ReplyDeleteWilma, your mom is so clever ... how every did she get all of you to pose in the tub like that?! Love it!
ReplyDeleteI don't take as many baths as I'd like, the shower is so much more efficient, but I am enjoying the kitchen soap your mom gave me from the same farm. It does smell lovely and leave my hand so nice and soft. :)
ugh, what an awful typo ... I mean it leaveS my handS ... I do have two! ... so nice and soft!!!
ReplyDeleteBOL! You guys look so cute all piled in the tub. Mom tried to have all of us in the tub before. But Stella likes to walk around, and then she got suds in her eyes from rubbing up against us. So that was the end of spa time in the tub together...
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Oh, your bath time looks so fun! And we love the name of your soap. Our bath time is not so much fun. Maybe it would be better if we got the right soap!
ReplyDeleteHi Tweedles,
ReplyDeleteOhhh, lavender sounds great.How does she use it? Rub the leaves on you?
Hey Josie girl,
We missed everyone too, life on the farm can get pretty rough. You are right about Sluggos fur tie. Probably has it like that cuz he knows I'm crushing on Anakin and he wants me all to himself. I think you would love the shampoo,they do mail order. You go diva sister.
Izzy and Anakin,
Hey guys, don't fret. The spotlight shines so brightly for Josie, you just need to stay beside her, don't fall into the shadow. Being a diva isn't a choice, you're just born that way.
Hi Bellatrix,
Thaks for the compliment.Wehave some paul Mitchell shampoo mousse. Sometimes Mom uses it between baths. It's for dry fur.We like it pretty good. Especially Sluggo and Brigitte, so they don't have to get wet.
Hey Norman,
Tell your Mom to do like Tuni and Sequoia's Mom and give you treats during the bath. I think I will insist on that, I usually have to wait til it's over.
Hi Sequoia and Tuni,
I like the treats during bath idea, I am implementing it right away.
I got scared for a minute there. Glad your hands are ok. Mom loves her kitchen soap too.I prefer if her hands smell like meat or cheese.
Hi Stella, Gunther and Betty,
We are only in the tub for a picture. There is no way my Mom could handle us all at the same time. We go one at a time in the kitchen sink. Me first.
Pearl and Daisy,
You will love the shampoo. I heard Mom and Brigitte are up to someth...gotta go here they come
I'm so glad my grandpugs are so scrubbed up once again. Wonder how long it will last this time?
ReplyDeleteThey look especially cool in the tub. Way to go pug-Mom.
well nice to hear you are all clened and brightened up.oops i spelled cleaned wrong.
ReplyDeleteenjoy your clean weekend.