"Don't touch me, I'm just to look at"
Welcome, students. Some of you will find todays lesson more difficult than others will. A limited number of you enlightened canines out there, already have this wisdom down pat. For the rest of you, what I'd like to teach you today, is more of an attitude than an edict. What you need to do when humans come around, to let them know how highly valued your attention is, is not to let them touch you. I know,I know, it sounds hard, but you can do it. It should look something like this...
Just a little step back
What they will often do, is lean over to pet you. You may or may not be in the mood to be touched. Or maybe you don't particularly like or trust this person. They do not have the right or priviledge to feel your soft coat. They can not steal your affection away. Like I said, many of you will find this counter-intuitive. Like Brigitte and Sluggo. I show them again and again and they just can't seem to get it. They get so damn excited about the slightest bit of attention. Jumping up and down, spinning frantically, licking uncontrollably.Trust me when I tell you, it's not a good look. I'll even take it one step further. When your own humans slow down and sit at the end of the day, there is no need to run and leap into their laps.The're not going anywhere. In fact, for those of you out there who allow them to sleep with you, you're about to get at least 5 to 6 good hours of snuggle time. Let them miss you. Make them wait. Do like I do. Once everyone is settled in, get up out of whatever comfortable spot you are in, and run into the room. Make a grand entrance,on your terms. They'll love it, and you my friends will have demonstrated higher value.
Here's the upshot. Once you have mastered this tactic, you will then have a method for letting your truly favorite people know how great you think they are. That's right, there is a time and place to cut loose and go wild. You know who they are. Maybe it's a certain scent,or the fact they always give you turkey or ham when you see them( ~wink~ to Uncle Jimmy), or maybe they are the people of some of your favorite friends.Whatever the reason, you decide when to bestow the unbridled love and affection upon them. It will mean so much more.
Until next time, practice, practice, practice.
Master Wilma