"Please Find it in Your Heart to Love Again"
Hi everybody! Wilma here. I am so honored, and excited to present you with my first guest blogger for Wednesday's Wisdom. It's Tiffy, from It's Tiffy Time.
Let me just say, that Tiffy's wisdom is the truest kind. Because she has lived these words. She has overcome many obstacles and come out stronger, and with the best rewards, true forever love.
I hope this is the beginning of a long tradition of my friends sharing their wisdom here with you all. It is off to a great start! My friends are the best!
Without further adieu, I present to you Tiffy!!!
I didn't know what to expect when I found myself in yet another home just over five months ago. Another temporary home, I thought to myself. More people who will let me live with them for a little while before abandoning me. More people who will break my forever broken heart. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement. To say I was wrong would be the best news ever. I have lived so many places that I've lost track of most of them. I have forced myself to forget about the bad places, and can hardly remember the good places anymore. My very first home was filled with so much love. My birth mother took such good care of me and my siblings while her human mom found loving homes for us. When I was old enough a nice family drove to Oklahoma to meet me. It was love at first sight. They scooped me up and drove me to my forever home in Texas, or so I thought. I loved my parents with all my heart but for some reason my forever home didn't last forever. I still have no idea why. My second home wasn't as nice as my first but I learned to love it and the people I called my parents. They took care of me and even found me another pug to love. Soon I had little ones of my own to take care of who I loved as only a mother can. More babies followed so I had lots of little ones to love. But then things changed. I no longer was loved like I should have been. My parents hurt me because they didn't understand me. And when I was no longer wanted they left me on the streets to fend for myself. Life on the streets was very hard but I survived. One day a nice lady saw me walking in the wrong part of town and she picked me up. She told me that I didn't belong on the streets. I was taken to another lady who ran a pug rescue group who then drove me to a foster home. Yet another home! But this one was different. This one was so special because of the people and pugs who lived there. I was cautious at first but soon I opened my heart up to love them. And I loved them so much. I thought this home would be my forever home but it wasn't to be. Just over five months ago I was visited at my foster home by a lovely couple. They had driven all the way from Chicago to meet me. My foster mom told me to turn on the charm because these people might want to adopt me. I was very confused because I thought I had already been adopted. What was I going to do? I wanted to stay where I was but this couple was so loving. Should I open up my heart again even though I know it might get broke? So here I am in my forever, yes, forever home. I'm not going anywhere anymore. No more packing up and moving ever again because this is where I belong. This is where I will live out my days because I am loved more here than ever before. And I will not be abandoned, pushed to the streets, or hurt anymore. Nope. I will be loved all the days of my life. And do you know why? Because I found it in my heart to love again. It wasn't easy given my past record but I knew I had to do it. I had to open up my heart and let my new parents in. I had to show them that I could love and be loved. I had to feel love again to know when it was right. I am not as wise as Wilma but I do know that my guiding wisdom has always led me down the right path. I followed my heart and found love again. Please find it in your heart to love again if you are ever abandoned or abused. Open yourself up so that others can love you. It's the only way to be whole once more. And it's worth it because it's the best feeling in the world.